Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Meet Joshua Stephen and More!

We were blessed to have Joshua Stephen on June 9th, weighing in at 7lbs 7oz and 20 1/4 inches long. Ryan and Christina have both enjoyed their new brother. Christina gives him kisses on a regular basis, she has been very sweet to him. Ryan takes every opportunity he can to hold him and love on him also.

If you want to see his first pictures at the hospital you can visit Steve's blog at http://www.thefatherscall.blogspot.com/. He even has a cute video clip on there.

Sweet Big Sister!

Proud Big Brother!

Now This is the Life!

Life is Hard!

A Day at the Beach!

Safe from the Sun!

Cute Sandy Toes!

Christina enjoyed life away from the water!

Ryan was a little more adventurous!

Christina helped Daddy dig a hole.

So they could put Ryan in it!

Watch Out!

Getting ready to give kisses, how sweet!

Getting a little shade!

Oh, what a long day!


  1. Oh Mrs. Kim! Congratulations! Joshua is too cute for words...as are the other kids. Children truly are a gift from God!!! I enjoyed the pictures so much. Thanks for sharing them with us. =) Have a wonderful day!

    Lord bless!

  2. Awww! How sweet! Those pictures were adorable! Congratulations on the new little addition to the family!

  3. Sounds like you have been having fun.
    Miss you all a lot.
